A Brief Discussion About Soil Contamination

Soil contamination means that human activities, either directly or indirectly, destroy land that could be used for good. At the moment, it is thought that lead and arsenic have ruined 300,000 ha of land in the UK. The same is true of the other industrialized countries getting hit the hardest. The developing countries are also moving in this direction slowly but surely. Thinking about how lousy soil pollution is for the environment should make you very worried. What Makes the Soil Dirty? Several things can be the cause of soil contamination . Human actions like drilling for oil, mining, farming on a large scale, and getting rid of waste are all significant causes. Pesticides, oil, lead, and other heavy metals are some of the most common chemicals that can easily pollute the soil. Coal ash from industrial heating processes is a common source of pollution in places with many factories. Even though treated sewage can be used as fertilizer, it has things that are bad for the soil, like ...